
This module provides functions for rendering locdata objects in 2D.


apply_window(image[, window_function])

Apply window function to image.

render_2d_mpl(locdata[, loc_properties, ...])

Render localization data into a 2D image by binning x,y-coordinates into regular bins.

render_2d_rgb_mpl(locdatas[, ...])

Render localization data into a 2D RGB image by binning x,y-coordinates into regular bins.

render_2d_scatter_density(locdata[, ...])

Render localization data into a 2D image by binning x,y-coordinates into regular bins.

scatter_2d_mpl(locdata[, ax, index, text_kwargs])

Scatter plot of locdata elements with text marker for each element.

select_by_drawing_mpl(locdata[, region_type])

Select region of interest from rendered image by drawing rois.