
You can use the provided Dockerfiles to set up a docker image and run the project within a container.

Prepare for using Docker#

  1. Install docker (Docker Desktop)

  2. Switch to Linux containers

  3. Make shared drives on your host system accessible to mount local directories:

    Docker –> Settings –> Shared Drives


We provide dockerfiles for testing and deployment.

  1. Run tests in a Python 3 environment based on conda or a PyPI environment on Debian Linux.

  2. Run the project in a Python 3 conda environment with Jupyter lab for interactive work (Debian Linux).

Build a docker image#

Download the source code in a project directory. Make sure the .dockerignore file is present.

Enter the project directory and run the following command to build the docker image from one of the Dockerfiles:

docker build -t <ImageName> -f <docker/choose directory/Dockerfile> .

Start a container from the image#

Run project tests:#

Run a container to just run the project tests and close afterwards:

docker run --rm <ImageName>

Run project in an interactive environment:#

Open a bash shell for interactive work within a container:

docker run -it <ImageName> bash

Open the shell with a host directory mounted as volume:

docker run -it -v <host directory>:/home/asterix/shared <ImageName> bash

To make sure a gui output (e.g. from napari) is directed to an X server (that must be installed on your host) add the DISPLAY environment variable:

docker run -it -v <host directory>:/home/asterix/shared -e DISPLAY=<IP-address>:0.0 <ImageName> bash

Use Jupyter notebooks:#

Start a container providing browser access to jupyter lab with a host directory mounted as volume:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -v <host directory>:/home/asterix/shared <ImageName>

For gui (e.g. napari) interaction add the DISPLAY environment variable.

Clean up#

After closing a jupyter lab you might have to delete the container before running the image again (e.g. if the option –rm was omitted):

docker rm -f <container>

or close all containers:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -q)

To clean up your system:

docker system prune