
Regions as support for localization data.

This module provides classes to define geometric regions for localization data. All region classes inherit from the abstract base class Region.


AxisOrientedCuboid([corner, length, width, ...])

Region class to define an axis-oriented cuboid.

AxisOrientedHypercuboid([corner, lengths])

Region class to define an axis-oriented n-dimensional hypercuboid.

Cuboid([corner, length, width, height, ...])

Region class to define a cuboid.

Ellipse([center, width, height, angle])

Region class to define an ellipse.


Region class to define an empty region that has no dimension.

Interval([lower_bound, upper_bound])

Region class to define an interval.


Region class to define a region that represents the union of multiple polygons.

Polygon([points, holes])

Region class to define a polygon.

Rectangle([corner, width, height, angle])

Region class to define a rectangle.


Abstract Region class to define the interface for Region-derived classes that specify geometric objects to represent regions of interest.


Abstract Region class to define the interface for 1-dimensional Region classes.


Abstract Region class to define the interface for 2-dimensional Region classes.


Abstract Region class to define the interface for 3-dimensional Region classes.


Abstract Region class to define the interface for n-dimensional Region classes.

RoiRegion(region_type, region_specs)

Deprecated Region object to specify regions of interest.